Nov 6, 2009

obscure movie pick: Bright Star

Never have I seen a film capture the sheer, raw delight and immense mood swings of young love. Amazingly, it is neither an epic romance nor a contemporary love story. Director Jane Campion's latest little bio-pic, Bright Star, is about British poet John Keats's final days as he fell in love and was consequently inspired by the flirty, enchanting wannabe-fashionista (for her time) Fanny Brawne.

I mentioned to a friend that this would make a great opening film as part of a double feature along with Terrance Malick's incredible The New World. With its languid pace, and attention to cinematography and detail, Bright Star would accompany Malick's four-year-old film wonderfully including thematically.

The film is heartbreaking on many resonant levels besides the obvious, yet incredibly poignant and genuine, finale. As the credits roll one of Keats's poems, Ode to a Nightingale, is read, ending right on cue with the film's score... stunning.

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