Pipilotti Rist's amazing, and amazingly popular, Pour Your Body Out (7354 Cubic Meters) at MoMA. It's a hangout spot, lounge/rest area, multi-sensory experience, and general conglomaration of people from hundreds of different countries all rolled up into one cool-looking, at times sublime installation.
I graduated magna cum laude from Florida Atlantic University with a Bachelors degree in Art History. Exploring communal, shared experiences and participatory performatives; I am drawn to and explore the accidental, ephemeral, and transcendental. Living in Miami, I have been working on an ongoing series of works in which I allow the possibility of sharing something I love with whoever takes the initiative to participate, oftentimes complete strangers. Frequently my work takes the the shape of sweeping, (almost) utopian gestures in and out of an "art" context. A running theme in my work is the subversion of objects, situations, and actions that are often perceived to be personal, insular, and disassociating, turning them on their heads as participatory situations encouraging interaction. I strive to focus peoples' attention on the "here and now" through my exploration of momentary, communal experiences, and the ideas of collectivity and "oneness."
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